Wyatt & Madison

Wyatt & Madison will be an 80-unit, mixed-income residential community in downtown Winslow. HRB is acquiring 13 rental units (at the cost to build) from the developer, Madison Avenue Development. We will add them to our community land trust where they will be kept permanently affordable for low-income households. The apartment complex will encompass the 550 Madison Avenue property, formerly owned by Housing Kitsap, and replaces the 13 affordable units that once occupied the site.
How this project came to be makes for an incredible story of innovative partnership, grassroots activism, and an unexpected windfall. Read the story here.
HRB and the developer have completed the floor plans. We are working on a boundary line adjustment to delineate the portion of the property which will belong to the HRB community land trust.
Construction is underway and expected to finish early 2025.
13 one-bedroom rental units
Northwest corner of Wyatt Way and Madison Avenue
Madison Avenue Development
Estimated completion
Early 2025
Wintergreen Townhomes

Wintergreen Townhomes will be a community of 73 homes, 31 of which will be designated affordable and placed in the HRB community land trust.
The base price for homes in Phase 1 is $369,000. To help bridge the affordability gap, HRB will contribute $15,000 in funding from HUD’s Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program. These funds require that homebuyers participate in sweat equity, which means that Wintergreen buyers will contribute a modest number of hours during the final stages of construction. Additionally, HRB was awarded a competitive $2.5 million grant from the Washington State Department of Commerce Housing Trust Fund. HRB anticipates lowering homes, on average, by an additional $80,000, so that the final cost to buyers is $274,000. To qualify, homeowners must be first-time buyers. Most buyers will secure financing from the USDA 502 Direct Loan Program, which provides payment assistance to low-income families, and will seek down payment assistance from Community Frameworks.
First phase is underway with first homes anticipated in March 2024.
31 one-bedroom units for homeownership
Wintergreen Lane, off High School Road
Estimated completion
Ericksen Community

HRB has begun planning a 100% affordable multifamily residence on a parcel we own on Ericksen Avenue, sold to us at a fraction of market value by a generous donor. It will be the first HRB development since the completion of Ferncliff Village Phase 2 in 2016 and will build on that precedent of sustainable, affordable, and quality design.
The Ericksen Community will have twelve 1-bedroom units and six 3-bedroom, 2-bath units. This design was made possible by a revised Housing Design Demonstration Projects (HDDP), which reduced the parking requirements for 100% affordable units near the ferry and made optional the sustainable site design requirements for projects that are 75% affordable.
The conceptual site plan was presented to Planning Commission as part of the city-required public participation meeting on May 12, 2022 and received the enthusiastic support of the Commission. Wenzlau presented to the Design Review Board on three occasions. Here too, the project has been well received.
We have received funding from Kitsap County through it HOME program and from the Washington State Housing Trust Fund.
18 1- and 3-bedroom rental units
Corner of Knechtel Way and Ericksen Avenue