Catch up on your reading
We send out Advocacy Alerts to educate and keep you up to date on city business related to affordable housing, to offer our perspective on a policy or initiative, and to let you know when it’s time to act with a letter or public comment at City Council or Planning Commission.
Winslow Subarea Plan and Comprehensive Plan update
The city is updating its Comprehensive Plan, as required by the 1990 Growth Management Act (GMA) and 2019 House Bill 1220, which strengthened the housing requirements of the GMA. The city is also updating the Winslow Subarea Plan. Both documents will guide the city as it decides how best to accommodate anticipated growth through 2044, addressing needs such as housing, open space and trails, public facilities, transportation, utilities, and capital facilities.
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
The city commissioned the DEIS to inform its updates to the Comprehensive Plan, as required by the Growth Management Act, and the Winslow Subarea Plan. The public is invited to comment on the various methods to accommodate projected growth and the accompanying housing and job targets set by the state.
October 5, 2024 (September 13 alert revision, after conclusion of open houses)
Land use fee reduction
Land use fees constitute a significant expense to developers. In 2023, to encourage affordable housing development, the city introduced a resolution that would create a program to subsidize three land use fees for affordable housing development. HRB successfully advocated for greater subsidy and additional fee coverage for projects that are 100% affordable.
Housing Action Plan
In 2022, the city contracted with ECONorthwest to develop a Housing Action Plan for Bainbridge Island. Based on extensive community engagement, an inventory of existing conditions, and an assessment of demand over the next 20 years, the plan recommends actions the city can take to meet the need for affordable and market-rate housing.
Bethany Lutheran Church
In May 2021, Bethany Lutheran Church submitted a request to City Council for an increased density bonus, permitted under Washington state law (RCW 36.70A.545), to build affordable housing on its land. The plan envisions 21 units on the 8-plus acre parcel.
Housing Design Demonstration Projects (HDDP)
HDDP is intended to increase the supply and choice of housing and to create housing that serves low-income households and uses innovative green building practices. Qualifying projects are granted incentives, such as density bonuses and reduced parking and setback requirements, in exchange for building affordably and sustainably.
Ericksen Community
HRB owns one of the last remaining undeveloped plots of land on Ericksen Avenue. It was sold to us at a fraction of its market value by a longtime supporter, providing an incredible opportunity to expand our community land trust. We have begun planning an 18-22-unit multifamily rental building. Construction is close to two years out, but the city approval process has already begun.
Multifamily Tax Exemption (MFTE)
MFTE is used to encourage the development of affordable multifamily housing by granting a partial property tax exemption (for 8, 12, or 20 years in Washington). The exemption applies only to the portion of the development that is affordable. On November 9, City Council approved Ordinance No. 2021-23 creating an MFTE program for Bainbridge Island.